With this new direction in mind Bryan and I emailed some lyric ideas back-and-forth. Given the "Olympic" nature of the project our lyrics were leaning towards athletic themes. The problem is, it was starting to sound a bit like an advert for a breakfast cereal. We were happy with our track and our melody, but the lyric wasn't quite right yet.
In pursuit of outside inspiration Bryan sent our song-in-progress to Gretchen Peters in Nashville. With fresh ears and a fresh perspective Gretchen contributed some new lyrics that perfectly captured the Olympic spirit, without being too overt or obvious.
Here's what RP Online had to say about it (February 1, 2010):
Bryan Adams hat für die ARD den Song zu den Olympischen Winterspielen 2010 in Vancouver geschrieben. Der Titel heißt "One World, One Flame", wie der Senderverbund am Montag in München mitteilte. ARD-Sportkoordinator Axel Balkausky sagte: "Bryan Adams ist nicht nur weltberühmt, sondern er steht für Kanada wie kein anderer Musiker und hat mit 'One World, One Flame' ein Lied geschrieben, dass perfekt zu einem solchen Großereignis wie den Olympischen Spielen passt." |