With Kenny Jones on drums (Small Faces, The Who) and Paul Rodgers on vocals
Company, Free) "The Law" was, in every way, a pedigree band.
No-one can be faulted for expecting great things. Ultimately however, The Law did not deliver.
I'm a HUGE fan of Paul Rodgers, but I must confess I was a
bit disappointed with his version of "Nature
Of The Beast".
In fact, I much prefer the home-studio recording I did with Bryan Adams.
We originally wrote "Nature Of The
Beast" for Tina Turner. When we were
working on lyrics for the song we tried to "climb inside Tina's head" and
imagine what she'd say to her ex-husband Ike, if SHE were writing
the song. We'd applied exactly the same principle when writing "Back Where You Started", another song of our that Tina had recorded a few years before. Even though Tina had explicitly told us NOT to write about her life, we did anyway. It was cheeky of us, thinking we could sneak it past her.
It worked for "Back Where You Started", but perhaps the thinly veiled references to Ike were TOO obvious on "Nature Of The
Beast" as she declined to record it.
A year or so later, the song found it's way to Paul Rogers.