Hedley CD cover, 2005 |
I hadn't written a song in nearly two years when, in June 2005,
I got a call from my old friend Brian Howes. Brian was producing
the band "Hedley" at The Armoury, a Vancouver recording studio I'd
built in the early 90's. He invited me to drop by and have a listen.
When I arrived, I expected to hear a completed song on the
big studio speakers. Instead, Brian pulled out
his acoustic guitar. Sitting on the edge of a couch in the
studio reception area, he sang me an unfinished song.
I've spent most of the past 35 years writing music, and to be honest,
I was a bit burned out ... I'd even considered retiring ...
songwriting was the last thing on my mind when I arrived at the studio
that day.
When he finished playing the song, Brian asked me if I had any comments. For
starters, it was obvious the song had some minor structural problems, which
I pointed out. Brian
picked up his guitar and tried my suggestion, which seemed to work.
There were
also some gaps in the lyric, and Brian asked me if I had any ideas. Again,
I made a few small suggestions ... most
significantly, I noted that the lyric "3-2-1" was tucked away and I thought it deserved more prominence. In
fact, I thought "3-2-1" would make a great
Once again, Brian
picked up his guitar and graciously tried my suggestion.
And so it went, for the next hour or two ... Brian asking me what I thought,
and me making small suggestions, to the best of my burned-out ability.