James W.
Young / Letters 1918 |
My grandmother's
older brother, Jim Young, owned a small grocery store at
the corner of "22nd and Slocan" in Vancouver. The store
was a one-man operation, so when war broke
out in
Jim didn't enlist voluntarily.
Then, in August 1917
the Canadian Government passed the Military Service Act, making it compulsory
Jim enlisted on January 10, 1918 and left Vancouver by train in February of that year.
His brother-in-law Arthur Gosse was the last family member to see him alive.
When he was in his 90's, Uncle Art told me about having a good laugh with Jim as they slipped along the
icy Vancouver streets on their way to the tram that would take Jim to the train station.
Jim and the other recruits boarded the S.S. Metagama in Halifax on February
27, 1918, arriving in Glasgow on March 11. Except for a brief visit to Ireland while "on leave",
Jim Young remained in England until being sent to France in June 1918.
He was killed by on the morning of September 27, 1918
during the Canal du nord/Bourlon Wood operation, just a few weeks before
the war ended. He
is buried 20 kilomeres west of Arras in a British military cemetery near the village of Sainz-lez-Marquion.
The following are transcripts of the letters that Jim Young wrote to his
mother and to his sisters, Ethel and Mary, between February 24 and September
24, 1918. |
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Feb. 24, 1918 / Ottawa |
We have just left Ottawa, have had a very good trip so far. Lots
of fun, we have a concert every night on board. It has been pretty
cold it was 30 below in Calgary with lots of snow. We were out for
a march at Kamloops. I didn't see much of Manitoba it was 2 o'clock
when we past thru Wpg. I would have liked to hear from Uncle Levi,
I wrote to Joe yesterday morning. I have not seen anyplace to beat
Vancouver yet. Ottawa is a nice place, but the last part of Ontario
is not very nice it is too rough. If you can get those addresses
from Lily Eagle and send them in your next letter. She said she had
some, it would help out a little.
We expect to go on the boat as soon as we get to Halifax. We get
no leave at all, only for physical jerks. I wish I had got a box
of Ramsay's nut bons before I left. If you get a box send them. I
will send you the cash. Send them as soon as you can we will not
be able to get any at all. I may not be able to write you til I get
to England. My address is if you can send these chocolates,
Pte. J. W. Young
6th Draft bc 1st Depot Batt. Canadians
Seaford Sussex
England |
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April 15, 1918 / South Camp Seaford,
Sussex, England |
Mother & All:
Having not received a letter from you today, I thought I would drop
you a line to tell you I am still well and feeling fine, I can't
seem to satisfy my appetite. We get pretty fair food here, but not
as much as we did on the start. I have not got much money since I
came over. I wish I had signed over half of my pay to you as half
of it is held back till we come back to England from France.
I have only got 3 pounds since I came over, and I spend nearly all
on extra eats and luxuries, which isn't very much.
We are now in G. Co. 1st Canadian Reserve Batt. and tonight we were
told to make up our minds on what battalion we wish to join. Most
of the boys are going into the Ruts, so I guess I will go along.
We can get into the 29th or 7th Batt. if we wish.
We are not getting so hard drills now as we are up into the Musketry
which is easy beside squad drills.
Half of our Co. went on leave Sunday and when they come back we expect
our turn. There is talk of our being sent to Bramshott for the rest
of our training, it is closer to London.
I wrote to Mary and Art tonight, Ethel don't seem to write very often.
I have not got a letter for pretty near a week now.
This is about all I can think of just now so Bye Bye from
Your Loving Son
P.S. Geo. Fee has not arrived yet they are most likely on the way.
The weather is very cold here just now and has been for about a week.
It rains nearly every night. The soil is chalky, but it sticks far
worse than any B.C. mud. |
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April 21, 1918 / England |
Mother & All:
Just a few lines to let you know that I am in the best of health.
It is raining hard today, and has been rather cold for a few days
back. It is awful muddy here. The water we use has a lot of alkali
in it. I am writing to Ethel and Uncle Jim now so you should get
all the news.
We were transferred last week to G Company, the same Company Joe
Sperring is in. I see him every morning on parade. You would never
know him now, he has grown so much. I had a letter from Dolby yesterday.
He is in one of the tailor shop at the front. He wanted me to go
into his Batt. but most of our fellows are going into the 7th Batt.
so I guess I'll go along, as I am pretty well acquainted with most
of them.
We are going on leave, either Wed or Thurs so I will have a good
long letter for you in a week or so. I will write you when I leave.
I am going to Ireland. Most likely ... (next page missing) |
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April 24, 1918 / England |
24, 1918
Dear Mother & All:
Just a few lines to let you know everything is fine with me. We are
still going on with our training. I got a letter from Mary tonight
and am taking the opportunity of writing. There is not much news
in Mary's letter but it is sure welcome.
We were told today that we are getting our leave Sat. so I won't
be writing till then. I think we will be able to make Belfast alright,
they say things are fine over there.
It has been lovely weather here last week. Quite a change to what
we have been getting.
We have been getting Gas Mask drill this last week. It is fine, very
interesting, and should come in handy after the war.
I guess Papa & Herb will be hard at work at the ranch. How is
the orchards around there. I suppose they will be pretty well straightened
up by now.
There has been a lot of men come in from Manitoba this last few days
into the other Reserves. There was a lot from B.C. but I have not
been able to see any of them yet, as they will be in quarantine for
ten days.
This is all I can think of just now. Bye Bye
Your Loving Son
Jim |
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May 1, 1918 / Ireland |
Mother :
I am on my leave at last, and I am having a fine time. At the present
time we are in Belfast.
I have only to see Liverpool now, and then I will have seen all the
principal places in the United Kingdom. This is a beautiful town.
You can buy anything you wish. A lot different from London. The town
is about three times larger than Vancouver. We were out to see the
largest Linen Works in the world yesterday. I am going to try and
get a piece of real Irish Linen to send to you. The city is very
clean. Everything is kept spotless, and they have the finest stores
here you ever saw. It is an awful difference from Dublin. I think
Dublin is one of the dirtiest places I was ever in. It is a big place,
but you couldn't compare the two.
We were in Dublin on Tuesday, and had a good look around. There is
also an awful difference in the people. The dialect is all you can
do to understand here. We are staying at a Boarding House in the
heart of the city. When we came here we asked a cab man to take us
to a place to sleep, and believe me he must have thought we needed
religion awful bad. All over my room is those cards like Uncle Bob
used to have. Anyway the old man who is boss is a fine old fellow
and we are well looked after.
We spent a half day in London. It is certainly a wonderful city.
We are going back by way of Liverpool to-morrow. Ireland is sure
as near Heaven Mother as any place can be. The country side from
Dublin to Belfast is just one long picture of little white cottages
and green hedges. They have all they want to eat and very reasonable.
We can buy a real good dinner here for 30 cents. All the stores are
full up.
I will write you a good long letter when I get back to camp and tell
you all. Good Bye for this time.
Your Loving Son
Jim |
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May 6, 1918 / England |
Card / London: Ludgate Hill and St. Paul’s
Dear Mother:
Having fine time. Will write letter from camp. On leave now. I have seen some
wonderful sights this last week.
Your Jim |
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May 6, 1918 / England |
Dear Mother:
Just got back from leave and am sending you a line. I got to get to bed in five
Well Mother, I had the best time I ever had in my life. It would take me a whole
day to tell you what I saw.
I was all over Ireland and seen some of the prettiest places. I was in Dublin
and Belfast. We stayed in Belfast nearly all the time. We were in London for
two days. It is a wonderful city.
I got lost three or four times, but all you do is go to a tube station and you
can go right back to any part you want.
I am going to send my picture to all the relations next week. I will write again
Your Loving Son
P.S. I am sending some of the Reserve Badges to you under separate cover. You
can send one to Ethel and Mary. |
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May 13, 1918 / England |
May 13, 1918
Dear Mary & Art:
As I have not heard from you for a time I am going to write you a few lines and
jog your memory. This is Mothers Day here. Not wishing this place any hard luck
but I hope the next one I will spend in Vancouver with you. Its the only thing
I got to look forward to now. We are on our last lap of training. It is two months
since we landed and its been a long one too.
I had a great time on leave. I saw all of Ireland that is of any account. It
is a pretty place. No wonder they sing so many songs of it. We were in Dublin
and Belfast. I like Belfast the best, it is far cleaner city than Dublin and
they have some beautiful buildings and parks. Believe me they have some fine
looking chicken there too. The country between Dublin and Belfast is a picture.
St. Paul's Cathedral and the House of Commons is sure some sight. I don't think
I'll ever forget my trip, especially the trip to Ireland, altho we had a fine
time in London. I know I got all I wanted to eat there. Ireland is just like
Canada in some respects.
Well everybody I'll have to close. Be sure and write. Bye Bye
Your Bro
XXXX Jim |
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May 13, 1918 / England |
Mother and All:
Well Mother, this is quite a day here, and as it is Sunday I am going to take
the time to write you a few lines. I have not got a letter from Canada for two
weeks. I think there must be mail somewhere on the way.
I certainly enjoyed myself while I was on leave. I had the time of my life in
London. It is sure a big place. I seen nearly all the big places of interest.
St. Paul's Cathedral and the Parliament Buildings are a great sight. It would
take you about twenty minutes to walk around St. Paul's. I saw Big Ben too. The
largest clock in the world.
I was in the American Hut there, but there is more Canadians stay there than
Yankees. The Canadian Hut in London is a lovely place. Its an old Theatre fixed
up, and you don't want for a thing.
I was a little disappointed in Ireland, the south in particular. They are not
near the people that is in the north. There was only fifteen of the Van. Draft
that went over, so we had a pretty good time. There is some very pretty places.
Everything they want as far as provisions goes. We only were there five days
I got a parcel from Ethel and Joe Green. I was glad to get it too. Its awful
good of Joe to send anything, but from now on it will be more difficult to get
me. As we get further advanced we will be sent into draft company. Then we will
know when we will be sent to France.
There is none of the Vancouver bunch here yet. There is some Victoria fellows,
but none from the park. I hear that there is a likelyhood of the 19 year old
class being called up. I hope Herb is not expected. Anyway he will not be wanted
for a time.
This is a beautiful day. There was a Band Concert in the Reserve. We have music
for our meals now that the weather is better.
I had my picture taken yesterday. I will send them on as soon as they are finished.
I got some of a group of us and some alone.
I sent to Ethel for a few dollars but I guess she must of forgot. Anyway if it
don't get here soon it'll be too late, as we may not be here long. We only get
half our pay while here and it don't take long for it to go as we have little
things to buy that runs away with money.
I should have sent you some souvenir from Belfast but I thought I would wait
til I got back to camp and get something. It is pay day next week sometime, and
I do hope to get something.
Well Mother. I'll have to close now, as I must get to supper. Remember me to
everyone that knows me there. Good Bye for now. Your Loving Son Jim. |
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May 16, 1918 / England |
Darling Mother:
I have not got any news for you but I am just writing a few lines to send along
with the post card.
This is some of our bunch. Its not a very good one. They can't take photos in
this country like they can in Canada. I have marked a cross over my head so you'll
know me. The fat boy is sitting on the ground in the centre of the picture.
Don't send anything Mother to England till I give you my address. I'll let you
know when we get to France. I have a lot of pictures I send Tues. so you can
expect them.
Its been awful hot here today. We had our heavy underwear on with a top shirt
and tunic also a heavy pack and our harness along with our guns. I nearly melted
away, but I guess we got to expect it pretty warm now.
Write as soon as you can and lets have any news. Good Bye from
Your Loving Son
be sure about this
(2020825) |
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No Date / England |
I am enclosing a few post cards for you. I'll send some more in next mail. I
am going to send the ones to Mary & Ethel.
I have sent one to Uncle Jim today. Let me know as soon as possible if you get
them O.K.
I am well and feeling fine. My face is like an Indian's. We are all tanned nearly
I expect some letters from you soon. I have been wondering why I don't get more.
Some of the boys complain about their mail not getting to them on time. The mail
we get takes over a month from Van. to get here.
I am getting some good photos taken. These are not very good. I can't send them
all in one envelope as they will get banged up.
I hope everyone at home is well. Tell Papa Roy Cronk is in our bunch. He'll most
likely know him as he lived across from the Cedar Cottage house. Sealy is in
the next reserve somewhere. One of our Sergeants know him well.
Well Mother I must close as I have no more news.
Your Loving Son
1st Can. Reserve
South Camp
Seaford Sussex
England |
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May 16, 1918 / England |
Dearest Mother & All:
I have not heard from you for a long time. Makes me kind of anxious. I have not
had a letter for nearly a month. Mary and Ethel write once in a while. It may
be the mails. I have written twice a week so far. I am putting stamps on my letters
so you'll be sure to get them.
It has been awful hot today. I am the color of a nigger. I got my hair cut off
short. All the fellows are getting their hair cut close its so hot.
I heard from Mary that Mr. Chase is dead. I remember him quite well when I was
up at Chilliwack last Xmas he looked strong and healthy looking then. It will
be hard on Mrs. Chase and Bunny. Herb will miss him too. Fred Ballinger's death
was a surprise to me. He used to kid me about conscription when he was put in
E Class and exempted but his turn has come first.
I brought over some honey from Ireland and it was good to. I often wish I was
back there to get some of the comb honey. I guess you'll have all kinds of it
I hear they are stopping parcels from the U.S. to the American Soldiers and I
guess Canada will fall in line before long. It seems pretty hard on us.
I have three photos of myself and some of our bunch ready Tuesday. I'll have
them on the road next week. I'll send them all to you. You can send one to Ethel
and Mary. I don't know how the one of myself is.
Well Mother write soon. Long as its a letter I don't care how short. Your Loving
Son Jim
Tell Herb to write if he has time. I'll be in the 7th Batt. by the time you get
this and quite likely be in France as we expect to go over soon.
I have written to Uncle Jim quite regular. I have got one letter from him. I
got his new address 48 Hobart St. I guess he'll have a job getting some of them.
I suppose the strawberries will be in now. We have a few Chilliwack fellows here.
I wish I had Aunt Carrie's and Uncle Rob's address. Send them if you have them.
Yours Jim |
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May 16, 1918 / England |
Dear Mary & Art:
I received a letter from you the other day, but I don't know whether
I answered it or not. I am of the opinion that you are getting
two letters in every mail, because I write at least twice a week.
I was very sorry to hear of F. Ballinger's death. His father didn't
last long after him.
The weather is pretty warm here. I lost more sweat today than I
did for the last year, but we will have a couple of holidays next
week so that will make up for it. I weighed 157 pounds when I was
on leave but I am pretty certain I lost five good pounds today.
Say Art they got lots of chicken over here. Of coarse we don't
get a chance to see much of them. A lot of our fellows were married
when they were on leave, thats pretty quick work eh. And I believe
nearly all the guys that get out of this thing alive will take
some of the English janes back.
I am enclosing a photo of some of the fellows in our huts. I have
a cross marked over my head so you will know me. I have some others
of myself that I'll send on Tuesday. Also some of the boys that
go around...
I hear that there getting a lot of men under the M.S.A. Vancouver
should soon be rid of single men. It seems there only good to fight.
It too blame bad they could not make some of those chinks get out
and fight. They'll be getting pretty cheeky now.
Well Mary, write as often as you can, as I sure like to get a letter
from home. Its quite likely you'll be too late to send any parcels
to England as we'll be out of here soon.
I don't want you to think I am hinting at anything, but we sure
relish anything that comes from Canada.
I hope Art is still holding down his job, and feeling fine as it
leaves me now.
Bye Bye
Your Loving Bro
P.S. excuse the dirty paper as I haven’t got anything else just now
South Camp
Seaford |
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May 26, 1918 / England |
Dear Mother and All:
I am sending you another post card of myself. I am going to make sure you get
Well Mother; things are going about the same as usual I am feeling fine and I
am getting fatter. I can stand a lot yet tho. I have a different uniform than
the one shown in the picture. We wear the Imperial tunics. I'll have a picture
of myself ready before long.
You said something of sending a parcel, but as yet I have not got anything. Anyway
don't you worry, we get good food considering. It is as good as anyone could
expect. Don't send anything to England from now on as it will have to be forwarded.
I hope everyone at home are well. Is Mrs. Chase and Bunny living across the St.
Ethel said something about them having a sale.
I was awful glad to get Ethel's letter yesterday. She said she was doing a good
business. All I hope is that she keeps it up. I will be glad when the time comes
that I will be able to go back again.
I had a letter from Uncle Jim, he had a lot of news too. I hope he keeps it up.
I guess I have told you before of being in the seventh ... (next page missing) |
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June 3, 1918 / England |
I have just mailed you those badges and I do hope you will get them
The ones with the 1st Vancouver Depot on them, you can get them made
into pins. Send Mary and Ethel one, which ever you like the best
I am still well and happy and hope everyone at home is. I have got
a quite a few letters from Hilton's, in fact I have as many correspondents
in England as I have at home. I had a letter today from Alex Yule's
sister, she writes quite regular. I have a standing invitation, but
I only wish you would write oftener if you have any time.
I have had no parcels from home for over a month. I think the trouble
must be in the P.O. though.
Did you get the picture I sent. I hope you have. They were not very
Its been beautiful weather here. This is a pretty place, even if
it is small. We get fed up on it tho, and I wish I could have got
leave before going on Draft.
Well Mother dear, I must close for this time. Is Irene better. I
hope she is. I think of her quite often. Could you get one of the
small depot badges made into a pin for her? Bye Bye for now.
Your Loving Son Jim. |
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June 5, 1918 / England |
Front: The address only to be written on this side. If
anything else is added the post card will be
Back: NOTHING is to be written on this side except the date
and signature of the sender. Sentences not required may be
erased. If anything else is added the post card will be
I am quite well.
I have been admitted into hospital
{sick }
and am going on well,
{wounded } and hope to be discharged soon
I am being sent down to the base.
I have received your |
{letter dated
{parcel |
_____________ |
Letter follows at first opportunity.
I have received no letter from you
{for a long time
Signature only Jas W Young
Date June 5/18 |
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June 7, 1918 / France |
Dear Mother:
I received a letter from you before I left England, but was not able to write.
I was awful glad to hear from you. I am also glad you are going to write often.
I have not seen Dolby yet, but expect to see him any day now.
I got Ethel's parcel of chocolate just in time. It would have been too late in
a couple of days latter.
I don't know how much it will cost to insure the Warehouse but I think it would
pay. There isn't much chance of renting it I guess.
So Art has a auto. Good for him. I suppose him and Mary will be seeing you quite
often. Ethel was telling me all about it.
It must be great there now with the cherries in season. Don't bother about any
honey, because it would be very hard to ship unless you have it in a tin.
I suppose they have nearly all the single fellows in Vancouver called up by this
time. Geo. Fee was in our camp when we left.
The photo of you and Papa was very good, I am keeping it and am sending one back
in a few days of myself. I hope you have got the other ones I sent.
The weather is fine here now and I am glad it is too.
Well Mother I must close as I have no more news this time. Did you get my last
card. Bye Bye.
Your Loving Son
Pte. J.W. Young 2020825
Canadians B.C.7 France
P.S. I would be glad to get any Chilliwack papers or Family Herald ones if it
does not cost any too much to send them.
Don't you worry about me smoking cigarettes Mother dear. All I smoke would not
make a dozen a week. I was sorry Mr. Chase was not able to hold out. Tell Herb
to write every chance he gets. I would like to hear from him.
J.Y. |
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June 17, 1918 / France |
Dear Ethel:
How is everything going. I have not heard from you for some time. I may not get
any mail tho for a while. I haven't got a single letter since I came over here.
I wrote you a few days ago. I guess I told you we were not very busy.
About my insurance, ask the agent anytime you may chance to see him if the balance
of the bonus is due yet. The way it was I had the war bonus paid up to June.
If you have the money to spare try and pay him. Get in any of those small accounts
they all help.
I wrote to Joe and Mamie Stewart Sunday. I also sent a letter to Mary the same
day. Tell me if you got those cards.
I have not seen or heard from Dolby lately. I guess if I want to see him I'll
have to go to his battalion. Anyway he is not very far away.
There is some very pretty places here, but of coarse we won't get much time to
see them. We can get chocolate once in a while but it is not near as good as
the stuff we could have got in England.
I wish it was time for us to all go back again to Canada, but I am afraid it
will be quite awhile yet. How is things at Hastings Park. Is there any men there
There was some of the guys that come over with Geo. Fee that I knew when I was
there. I don't think George will get over here for awhile yet.
Well I haven’t got much news, so I'll close. Hoping to hear from you soon.
Your Loving Bro
P.S. since writing the above I have been sent to Hospital thru sickness, but
expect to be out very soon. |
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June 22, 1918 / France |
Dear Mother:
haven't received any letters from you for some time. I think my mail is following
me around and can't catch me. Any way I would like to get a few letters from
I am writing this in Hospital. I was admitted about a week ago, sick, its something
like grippe, the first few days I was pretty sick, but now I am feeling fine,
but may not be out for a few days. I hope I don't miss the bunch I came over
with, over this. We have all stuck together so far. I wouldn't mind staying in
Hospital for the duration of the war, you certainly get good treatment.
It is rather stormy out today, blowing an awful gale.
Anything you send me now, Mother, will surely get to me, and I think even quicker
than England. But of coarse don't send too much, socks is about the only thing
I want.
Well Mother Dear, I have nothing more to tell you. I will write soon as I get
out of Hospital. Love to all.
Your Loving Son Jim
P.S. since writing this I have got out of Hospital, and am feeling alright again.
I expect I will see the rest of the fellows soon. I will write in a few days.
J.Y. |
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June 30, 1918 / France |
Dear Mother:
I posted a letter to you the other day while I was in Hospital. I hope you have
received it by this time. I have not had a letter since I came over here yet.
I don't know whats wrong, its over a month now. Some of our fellows have got
several letters from home.
I am in convalescent camp now, and may be for awhile. I wish I could get out
and join the battalion, as I don't like it at all.
It is rather warm here at present, but lucky enough, I don't have anything to
do. I have lots of time to myself.
There is going to be a general sports day tomorrow the 1st. Our battalion will
be out. I hope it keeps fine.
I would like very much to get any papers. Some of the fellows get the Province.
We don't get any news from home much any other way.
I hope Ethel is still getting on all right. I wonder if you done anything about
the Warehouse, this is about the only time there is any danger of fire. It must
be pretty dry if its anything like it is here.
There is nothing much more that I have to say. Write whenever you have a chance.
Best of luck and love to you all. bye bye
Your Loving Son
Jim |
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July 1, 1918 / France |
Art, Mary & Irene:
Just a few lines to let you know I am well and feeling a lot better since I came
out of Hospital. I am still in Rest Camp, and having a pretty easy time, but
I am afraid it will end all too soon some of these days.
We had quite a celebration today, considering circumstances. Believe me I have
thought more of home today than I have for a while. I wish I were back.
We will most likely have a holiday on the 4th for the "Yanks".
How is things going in Vancouver. I guess you will be out joy riding in your
car half the time.
I have missed some of our bunch, there being sick, some of them are on the line.
I was kind of sorry I was not with them, as I had got pretty well aquainted.
The weather is fine here, altho its pretty warm at times, but its got the rain
Write as soon as you can, best of love to all of you.
Your Loving Bro
P.S. Please excuse the paper and pencil as I have none other. I have not got
a single letter since I landed here, which is over a month now. I don't know
whats wrong. When you write be sure to put my correct address on, as I will get
it right away then.
J.Y. |
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July 4, 1918 / France |
Dear Ethel:
I have not had a letter from home or England for six weeks, and don't know what
the dickens is wrong. The other guys in our Batt. have been getting letters and
parcels right along.
I am in convalescent camp at present just out of Hospital. It is not too bad
at all. Of coarse it may be awhile before I get out as I don't feel fit yet to
carry a pack.
I am afraid I am going to miss the bunch I came over with from Vancouver. We
stuck together thru our training, and have got well aquainted when we will be
split up. I will most likely go into a casualty Batt. I don't like the idea a
little bit, because them guys don't seem to like us any too well seeing we didn't
come over voluntary.
Where is Joe Green? I never here from him at all now. Is he still in town, or
has he beat it. I hope he don't have to leave. I often wish this thing was over
so that we could all go back home again. Believe me it will be a glad day too,
when it comes.
This is the 4th of July. There is some great celebrating going on in London today.
The Yanks are sure getting some welcome, the people can't do too much for them.
Believe me, when you get any welcome from the English they sure do it up the
right way. Its no wonder the Canadians or Yanks want to get back to Blighty.
Well Ethel I have no more to say. Only I hope you are getting on O.K. in the
store. Don't forget to write when you get a chance. Remember me to everyone.
Hoping you are in the best of health and spirits. I am
Your Loving Bro
P.S. Do the best you can about any accounts. I wish you could take stock and
see how you stand. You could let me know. Go after any accounts around there
you can get. Look after my assurance if you see the agent. J.Y. |
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1918 / France |
you are all well as I am at present.
Yours Jim.
Tell Herb to write
anytime he
has time. |
July 29, 1918 / France |
Dear Mother:
I have sent you by register mail today a silk scarf. Let me know as soon as you
get it.
Everything is the same as usual. I am feeling fine, and we have had very nice
weather here lately, which helps out a lot.
Well Mother, I have no news for you this time, but will write soon again. How
is Herb getting on with his motorcycle. I suppose the girl in the P.O. will be
with him on his joy rides. Ethel was saying the Vedder River Bridge was washed
away again.
Good Bye for now.
Your Loving Son
Jim |
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Aug. 4, 1918 / France |
Dear Mother:
Just a few lines to let you know I am still well.
I have been expecting a letter from you for some time now, but have not received
one. Anyway I had a letter from Ethel a few days ago and she said you were all
well. She said she expected to go home on the 1st July.
I expect you are very busy just now with the fruit and I hear it is a very good
The weather here is fine with just enough rain to settle the dust, but I guess
it won't be very long till we will get all kinds of rain.
One of the fellows I am with now is out of McDonalds. He used to be in the stripping
room. I never saw him before but he says he remembers Papa quite well.
How is Herb getting along with his wheel. I guess he'll be running all over the
country, thats if he can get money to buy the gasoline. Ethel was saying the
bridge was off the Vedder. I hope its not so bad as it was last year.
I think Ethel will be able to get most of the accounts in. I was glad to hear
she had found C. North's note. I want you to take anything I owe you out of the
accounts, as from now on the money I get will not be very much good to me as
there is no place to buy much.
I wrote you just a week ago when I think of it, and I hope by this time you have
got the scarf.
Well Mother I am out of any news so I'll close with Love from Your Loving Son
Jim |
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Aug. 9, 1918 / France |
Dear Mother:
Just a few lines to say that I am well. I expect a bunch of letters altogether
from you any day as that is the way they mostly come.
I saw Dolby the other day and by chance have seen him today again. He looks fine,
a lot different to what he used to. I think he must have a pretty fair time,
as he is still with the Batt. tailor shop.
The weather has been very warm, and has made everything dusty, but it looks like
as if we may have some rain before long.
I have not seen a paper for nearly a week, so I don't know how things are much
anyway. I will get all the news when I receive your letters.
Well Mother. I have not got any more news, will write in a few days again.
Your Loving Son
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Aug. 25, 1918 / France |
I received yours and Herbs letter together a few days ago. I have not had a chance
to answer till today.
I got twenty one letters altogether, so I expect to get mail regular, as nearly
everyone has my address here. My Co. is 4 Co. 15 Platoon. When you write there
is more than one Young so we are apt to get mixed up if you don't put this address
on mail.
Well Mother. I was glad to get so much news. Its too bad about Clarence Close.
I am afraid there is little hope for him now.
I will drop you a card whenever I receive a parcel from you. Its a good idea
to number them, but anyway I'll tell you what is in them so you have a good idea.
So Herb is getting on pretty good with his Motor Cycle. Him and Cecil must have
some great times.
I met Harry Oltz yesterday. He is in the next Co. to me, the same Batt. He has
not changed much. Geo. Fee is coming into this Batt. also.
I will be glad to get the parcels, but I don't want you to spend too much on
postage. The honey and jam I can appreciate. I have got a lot of papers from
Ethel lately.
I was glad to hear you got the photos, but you never told me whether you got
those badges or not.
Mary and Art must be enjoying themselves this summer with their car. How is Papa's
car coming on.
Chilliwack must be great this time of the year. Is the fruit crop as big this
year as it was last year.
I get some fine letters from England, and nearly all the spare time I have is
spent in writing. Alex Yule's sister expects her other brother to be called up
soon. I guess you remember him. He is still in Vancouver she says.
So Cecil Bradwin expects to be called soon. I suppose they can get along without
him, but wages must be awful high. Herb will be a great help to Papa in that
Well Mother dear, must close now and I'll write you a longer letter in a few
days. Good Bye for the present.
Your Loving Son
Jim |
Background information ... |
1st September, 1918 the 7th battalion successfully assaulted the
Drocourt-Queant line, taking over 600 German prisoners in a few
hours of fighting. |
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Sept. 4, 1918 / France |
Dearest Mother:
I have got so far behind with my mail, Mother. I don't know where
to start, as I have had very little time to write lately. You may
be sure that I will write whenever I can.
I received a parcel today from you I think it is. It was not packed
good enough, so it had been repacked. I think the writing on the
address is your or Herbs. There was a cake and some cookies in it
and a pair of socks. They were all in fine condition, and you can
bet I did enjoy it. I got some Chocolate from Ethel too. Your parcel
came to Seaford, so it takes good packing. From now on I will get
the parcels regular as it will come direct, and our officers look
after and see we get them.
I often wish I could tell you of my experiences, but I am afraid
it would be censored. Anyway the newspapers ... (next page missing) |
Sept. 10, 1918 / France |
My Dear Mother and All:
I have just received a letter from you dated July 10. It must have got lost some
place. There was a letter from Herb in it too.
I was glad to hear you got the photo. Fat and I had those taken in Hastings Park,
and the girl in the photo send us some. I thought they were so good I wrote her
and asked her to send you some of them but I guess she has not much time yet.
Anyway you will get better ones than that one.
So Herb expects to go to the prairie. That is big wages, and he should take advantage
of it. How is the Motor Cycle coming on. I hope it isn't in the Garage half the
time. He would sure be able to enjoy himself.
Tell him not to get too ambitious about getting in the Flying Corps, he is doing
just as much where he is.
I would sure like to get a feed of cherries, but its out of the question.
Well Mother. I feel like an old soldier, and am getting fairly well aquainted,
but about the time you are known, you get shifted. Fat is in the same Batt. and
I see him quite often.
I think I told you Harry Oltz is in the Batt. Stanley Crowder expects to be over
here soon.
You can tell pretty well Mother by the papers how things are with me. Any mention
of the Canadians will include me.
I forgot all about my taxes. I wish you would look after them, and I'll see about
getting the money for the taxes on the lot and store. I hear they have got up
something feirce. Uncle Jim says his has gone up from $17 to $31. But I suppose
all products have gone up too.
Well Mother I must close now. Hoping you are all well with Love to all.
Your Loving Son, Jim |
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Sept. 24, 1918 / France
(last letter) |
My Dear Mother and all:
I received two letters from you today, one dated 1st Aug. and one the 16th. The
reason these were late was because you forgot to put 7th Batt. on them. My full
add. now is 7th Batt. 15 platoon so I will be sure to get letters thru sooner.
It seems quite a while since I left Hospital, and I have seen quite a lot since
then, and at the present time I am in the best of health.
I had a fine letter from Uncle Jim the other day. I don't think it will be very
long till he will be back in Vancouver again. He expects to quit Ford's. He says
Uncle Ephy's crop was a failure.
The Family Heralds you speak of have not arrived, but we blame it on the P.O.
strike which effected mail here. I expect some parcels any time now. I like to
get them when I am in the line. I think I told you about getting one of your
parcels with a cake and a pair of sox, also some cookies. The wrapping you put
on had been re-packed. Mary and Ethel has sent quite a few and appreciate their
kindness very much.
I never dreamt Herb would get tired of the Bike so soon. I suppose he wants a
I would have liked to had a couple of days at home right now when the fruit is
in. When we are out of the line we can sometimes get vegetables and fruit but
only canned.
Well Mother, I will drop you a card in a few days, and will write you a letter
when I get time. Don't you worry about me, no news is good news. Even if I become
a casualty you will hear right off. So Bye Bye for this time. Love to All.
Your Loving Son
Jim |