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.38 Special
Album: Strength In Numbers
Release Date: 1986 / April 21
Songs By Jim Vallance:
Charts: #17 - Billboard Album Chart / 1986
(31 weeks on the chart)
Certification: Gold (500,000 U.S. sales): July 7, 1986
World: Approximately 750,000 sales
About a year after .38 Special recorded "Teacher, Teacher" I got a call from their manager asking if I'd be interested in co-writing with the band for their next album. I travelled to Atlanta, and guitarists Don Barnes and Jeff Carlisi also flew up to Vancouver for a week or two. We wrote 7 or 8 songs, with 6 of them making it on the record.

The writing relationship continued for a number of years, resulting in several charted Billboard singles and a few millions albums sold.

Jeff and Don were from Jacksonville Florida, and they had thick southern accents which they occasionally played up for effect -- if only to amuse each other!

On their flight to Vancouver, just prior to landing, the flight attendant handed out Canadian Customs cards to be completed by each passenger. Don glanced over as Jeff was filling out his card and noticed Jeff had signed above the line that said "signature of claimant". A signature is only required if you plan on claiming a purchase at the customs desk, which neither of them did, so Don said,

"Jeff, why'd you sign there?"

"Where?" replied Jeff.

"There", said Don, pointing to Jeff's signature on the 'signature of claimant' line.

Realizing his error Jeff paused for a moment, then, in an exaggerated southern accent said,

"I signed there because that's who I'm a-claimin' to be!".